Equine Assisted Therapy

Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch - Maple Valley

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Fourth Dimension Counseling & Coaching is proud to announce that we will now be offering Equine Assisted Therapy at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley Washington.

Equine Assisted Therapy is a warm and connecting experiential therapy that can be powerful for the client. The combination of the use of horses and a peaceful, natural setting provides a healing environment that allows clients to relax and become open to the therapeutic process, which leads to progress and personal growth.

Equine Assisted Therapy is not about horsemanship, riding horses or trail rides. We are bringing horses into our normal therapeutic process in a rural setting. Engagement with the horses may include observing them to see what comes up in you, brushing, feeding, or petting them while we talk, or it may involve experiential interactive exercises. We might even go for a walk to see the goats up the road or sit down at the firepit to process the experience with the horses.

Horses are themselves. They are sensitive and intuitive. Unlike humans, they don’t change who they are to please others. They will let you know what they want and what they need and have no problems setting boundaries. They are wonderful teachers of how to ask for what you need and want, and how to set boundaries. As clients interact with horses, they can connect in an authentic way, without fakeness or insincerity, and are able to learn about themselves and recognize the behaviors and beliefs that are causing pain in their life.
Like humans, horses are social creatures and prefer to be with their barn mates. Horses have defined roles within their herds, which can be a great metaphor for discussing family systems and the roles we humans play in the family system.

Equine Assisted Therapy and Intensive Retreats at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley Washington

Welcome To Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch

Equine Assisted Therapy and Intensive Retreats at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley Washington
Heidi Kinsella Therapist and Clinical Director Fourth Dimension Counseling - Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch Maple Valley Washington


Heidi Kinsella holds a certificate from the University of Denver as an Equine-Assisted Mental Health Practitioner.

Currently, Heidi is seeing individuals, couples and families dealing with issues related to sex addiction, betrayal trauma and substance abuse for Equine Assisted Therapy and will be conducting occasional Healing Workshops and intensive retreats utilizing Equine Assisted Therapy for groups at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley, Washington.

Visit the Workshop & Intensive Retreat page on our website for more information. Heidi is open to working with individuals, couples, families or with groups. If you are in a recovery group or if you are a CSAT, CPTT, CCPS, SUDP  Therapist who leads a group and would like your group to experience equine-assisted therapy together, give us a call. Other group types are welcome at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch for Equine Assisted Therapy as well.

Contact Fourth Dimension Counseling for more info:

425-652-1690 | www.FourthDimensionCounseling.com | InfoFourthDimensionCounseling@hushmail.com

Equine Assisted Therapy for betrayal trauma, sex addiction, substance abuse at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley, WA.
Equine Assisted Therapy for betrayal trauma, sex addiction, substance abuse at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley, WA.
Equine Assisted Therapy for betrayal trauma, sex addiction, substance abuse at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley, WA.
Equine Assisted Therapy and Intensive Retreats at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley Washington
Equine Assisted Therapy for betrayal trauma, sex addiction, substance abuse at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley, WA.
Equine Assisted Therapy and Intensive Retreats at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley Washington
Equine Assisted Therapy for betrayal trauma, sex addiction, substance abuse at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley, WA.

Therapist Heidi Kinsella LMHC, SUDP, CSAT, CPTT, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP Talks About Equine Assisted Therapy at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch

Equine Assisted Therapy for betrayal trauma, sex addiction, substance abuse at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley, WA.
Equine Assisted Therapy and Intensive Retreats at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley, WA.

In addition to Equine Assisted Therapy at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch, Fourth Dimension Counseling and Coaching is offering Workshops and Intensive Retreats, and sometimes the experience includes equine assisted therapy. 

Fourth Dimension Counseling and Coaching President and Clinical Director Heidi Kinsella, LMHC, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP, holds a certificate from the University of Denver as an Equine-Assisted Mental Health Practitioner.

Both Equine Assisted Therapy and our Intensive Retreats are available for clients struggling with betrayal trauma or infidelity, sex or porn addiction recovery, substance abuse, alcoholism and drug addiction, as well as helping with people dealing with other emotional trauma including depression, anxiety and stress.

Equine Therapy is a wonderful healing process where the combined use of horses and a beautiful, calm, peaceful, natural surrounding provides a healing environment that allows clients to relax and helps facilitate the therapeutic process, which leads to progress, emotional healing and personal growth.

Contact Fourth Dimension Counseling & Coaching at 425-652-1690 if you have any interest or questions regarding Equine Assisted Therapy and check out our  Intensive Retreat Page to learn about upcoming workshops & retreats. 

Equine Assisted Therapy

Equine Assisted Therapy and Intensive Retreats at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley Washington

Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch

Equine Assisted Therapy and Intensive Retreats at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley Washington
Equine Assisted Therapy and Intensive Retreats at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley Washington
Equine Assisted Therapy and Intensive Retreats at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch in Maple Valley Washington

We provide Equine Assisted Therapy in Washington State. The Fourth Dimension Counseling and Coaching Team Consists of Trauma Therapists, Addiction Counselors, substance abuse professionals, Certified Sex Addiction Therapists ( CSAT ), Betrayed Partner & Infidelity Therapists, and Life Coaches.

Whatever you or a loved one is struggling with, our licensed therapists and counselors in WashingtonAlaskaIdahoMontanaArizonaCaliforniaColoradoNew York, FloridaNorth Carolina, IndianaOhio and Hawaii. are here to help. Hope is just one call away! 425-652-1690