Fourth Dimension Counseling & Coaching Videos
Fourth Dimension Counseling & Coaching offers professional counseling and trauma therapy for individuals, couples, and families struggling with a variety of emotional trauma, addiction, depression, and anxiety issues.
On this page, you can view all of our YouTube videos about different topics regarding emotional trauma, depression, anxiety, addiction, substance abuse, betrayed partner trauma, sex, and porn addiction, and much more.
As always we strive to provide our clients with effective solutions and positive processes for change and emotional growth. Thanks for watching our videos. We hope you find them helpful, and remember –
Hope is just one call away: 425-652-1690.

Meet Therapist Heidi Kinsella LMHC, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP
Meet Therapist Heidi Kinsella LMHC, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP and learn about Fourth Dimension Counseling & Coaching services.
About Fourth Dimension Counseling & Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch
Learn more about Fourth Dimension Counseling and Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch where we offer healing workshops and retreats.
Intensive Retreats at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch
In this videotherapist Heidi Kinsella talks about Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch and the workshops and retreats that are offered.
About The Therapists
Therapist Heidi Kinsella talks about the therapists at Fourth Dimension Counseling & Coaching and the types of counseling services offered. Also the qualifications and experience of the Fourth Dimension Counseling therapists.
12 Step Addiction & Substance Abuse Counseling
Many of our licensed therapists are in recovery themselves from alcoholism, substance abuse, and addiction and have decades of experience help others navigate the challenges of living sober.
Meet Therapist Rebecca Waterston, LMHCA, CDPT, CSAT-C
Meet Therapist Rebecca Waterston, LMHCA, CDPT, CSAT-C. Learn, in her own words what types of counseling clients she works with and she may be able to help with your therapy needs.
What Is Sex Addiction?
In this video sex and porn addiction Therapist Heidi Kinsella, LMHC, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP answers the question: “What Is Sex Addiction”
What Is Betrayal Trauma
In this video betrayal trauma Therapist Heidi Kinsella, LMHC, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP answers the question: “What Is Betrayal Trauma & Betrayed Partner Counseling“
Betrayal Trauma & Porn Addiction
In this video sex and porn addiction and betrayed partners Therapist Heidi Kinsella, LMHC, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP talks about Betrayal Trauma from Porn Addiction.
Trauma Therapy & Counseling
Learn more about Trauma Therapy with the therapists at Fourth Dimension Counseling
Marriage & Family Counseling
Learn more about Couples, Marriage and Family Counseling at Fourth Dimension Counseling
Counseling and therapy for depression and trauma.
What Is Love Addiction?
Love Addiction. What is love addiction and how we treat it through counseling and healing trauma therapy and childhood issues.
Couple's Healing Process
Healing process for couple’s and people in relationships or marriage dealing with betrayal trauma, infidelity and sex or porn addiction.
Equine Assisted Therapy
Fourth Dimension Counseling & Coaching offers Equine Assisted Therapy at the Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch inMaple Valley, WA.
Couples Crisis Counseling
Couple’s crisis counseling and couples therapy for relationships impacted by sex and porn addiction, bertayal trauma and infidelity.
Men vs Women - Sex Addiction & Betrayed Partners
Often people assume that sex addicts are men and betrayed partners are women. That is not the case at all. In this video we explore the difference between men and women where sex addiction and betrayal trauma are concerned.
Sex & Porn Addiction | Shame and a Pathway to Recovery
People suffering from sex and porn addiction treatment often wrestle with trauma, pain, fear, guilt and shame. In this video, we discuss the associated shame and a pathway to recovery.
Sex Addiction Is An Intimacy Disorder
Sex Addiction is considered an intimacy and in this video Therapist Heidi Kinsella, LMHC, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP talks about sex and porn addiction and treatment as an intimacy disorder
Lying: Sex Addiction, Infidelity & Betrayed Partners
Clinical Therapist Heidi Kinsella LMHC, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP talks about Lying and Dishonesty associated with sex addiction, porn addiction, infidelity, betrayed partners and betrayal trauma.
RELAPSE: Sex Addiction, Porn Addiction Recovery & Relapse
In this video therapist Heidi Kinsella LMHC, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP talks about recovery and relapse prevention when it comes to sex addiction and pornography addiction recovery.
Counseling for Couple's Impacted by Sex Addiction and Betrayal Trauma
In this video we address counseling for couples whose relationship has been impacted by sex or porn addiction, infidelity and betrayal trauma.
Boundaries and Self Esteem
Clinical Therapist Heidi Kinsella LMHC, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP talks about Self-Esteem issues and Boundary Work or setting emotional boundaries.
What Is Family of Origion Work?
Clinical Therapist Heidi Kinsella LMHC, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP talks about Family of Origin Issues, emotional trauma and emotional abuse issues.
Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch Intensive Retreat Videos
About Fourth Dimension Counseling & Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch
Therapist & Fourth Dimension Counseling Clinical Director Heidi Kinsella, LMHC, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP talks about the Intensive Retreats at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch, for those impacted by sex and porn addiction and betrayal trauma.
Intensive Retreats for Those Impacted by Sexual Compulsivity
Therapist & Fourth Dimension Counseling Clinical Director Heidi Kinsella, LMHC, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP talks about the Intensive Retreats at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch, for those impacted by sexual compulsivity
Co-Facilitated Retreats with Therapists & Counseling Practitioners
In this video, Heidi Kinsella, LMHC, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP talks about co-facilitated retreats at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch Co-with Therapists and Counseling practitioners.
Intensive Retreat for Betrayed Partners & Betrayal Trauma
In this Video Therapist and Clinical Director Heidi Kinsella LMHC-S, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP, talks about the 3 and 5 Day Intensive Retreats for Betrayed Partners suffering from betrayal trauma and impacted by their partners sexual compulsivity. or infidelity.
Intensive Retreat for Men in Early Recovery Struggling with Sexual Sobriety
In this Video Clinical Therapist and Clinical Director Heidi Kinsella LMHC-S, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP, talks about the Early Recovery Intensive Retreat for Men trying to stay sexually sober from sex and porn addiction, sexual compulsivity. or cheating and infidelity.
Reboot & Revive Intensive Retreat for Men Struggling with Sexual Sobriety
In this video, Heidi Kinsella, LMHC, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP talks about the Reboot & Revive Intensive Retreat for Men struggling to stay sexually sober from sex and porn addiction, sexual compulsivity. or cheating and infidelity.
Help. Her. Heal. Intensive Retreat for Men Who Have Betrayed Their Partner
In this Video Therapist and Clinical Director Heidi Kinsella LMHC-S, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP, talks about Help. Her. Heal. Intensive Retreat for Men who have sexually betrayed their partner by sex and porn addiction, and sexual compulsivity. or cheating and infidelity.
Help. Them. Heal. Intensive Retreat for Couples Impacted by Sex Addiction
In this Video Clinical Therapist and Clinical Director Heidi Kinsella LMHC-S, SUDP, CSAT-S, CPTT-S, CMAT, CCPS, EAMHP, talks about Help. Them. Heal. Intensive Retreat for Couples impacted by sex and porn addiction, sexual compulsivity. or cheating and infidelity.
Equine Assisted Therapy at Fourth Dimension Healing Ranch
Equine Assisted Therapy is a warm and connecting experiential therapy that can be powerful for the client. The combination of the use of horses and a peaceful, natural setting provides a healing environment that allows clients to relax and become open to the therapeutic process, which leads to progress and personal growth.
Fourth Dimension Counseling & Coaching Videos and YouTube Channel
Our goal at Fourth Dimension Counseling & Coaching is to serve individuals, men, women and couples impacted by emotional trauma and help them find a path to a happier and healthier life through treatment, counseling, therapy and life coaching. Our therapists and counselors are licensed mental health professionals with years of experience.
If you find our videos informative and helpful feel free to view all of our videos on a variety of mental health, addiction, betrayal trauma, sex addiction, substance abuse and trauma therapy issues at the Fourth Dimension Counseling YouTube Channel, be sure to subscribe to be notified of new videos as they are released. We try and create a couple new videos a month.